Keyword: Blooms

Valle-Pombrol, A., A. Comas-Gonzalez, D. Castro-Rodriguez, A. Garcia-Moya, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Planktonic cyanobacteria from the Abreus Reservoir, Cienfuegos, Cuba. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 16(1):20-29.
The study of the cyanobacteria that make up the phytoplankton community of reservoirs is very important due to the production of toxins by some phytoplankton taxa. The composition and abundance of cyanobacteria and their relationship to physicochemical variables was determined during six months (March, April, June, September, November and December) in 2018 at five stations in the Abreus Reservoir, which is located in the south center of the Cienfuegos province (Cuba). Eleven new taxa were observed in the reservoir grouped into seven families, 14 genera, and 34 species. The toxigenic genera Microcystis and Raphidiopsis were observed at all collection points throughout the year, presenting a potentially persistent toxicity threat in this reservoir. Semi-accumulative blooms were reported in September. Microcystis sp. and Raphidiopsis sp. were the most abundant genera during observed blooms. The abundance of some cyanobacterial genera, including Microcystis, Aphanocapsa, Raphidiopsis and Dolichospermum, were strongly correlated with water temperature and transparency. Microcystin values are reported for the first time in Abreus Reservoir.