
Auburn University
M.S. Aquatic Sciences 

Rowan University
B.S. Biological Sciences
2014 – 2018

Matthew Gladfelter

Ph.D. Student
(Current Auburn University Presidential Graduate Research Fellow)

2021-Present (Ph.D.)

Research Statement

My research focuses on nutrient cycling in phytoplankton communities. My Master’s work focused on nitrogen utilization in cyanobacteria and I have shifted to examining micronutrients and trace elements for my doctoral research. I enjoy taking a holistic approach to study systems which often incorporates rigorous field sampling, molecular analyses, and even electrochemistry.

  1. Hennessey, A. V. M. B. McDonald, P. P. Johnson, M. F. Gladfelter, K. L. Merrill, S. E. Tenison, S. S. Ganegoda, T. C. Hoang, H. A. Torbert, B. H. Beck, and A. E. Wilson. 2025. Evaluating the tolerance of harmful algal bloom communities to copper. Environmental Pollution 368:125691. - Link to Publication
  2. Anantapantula, S., S. Wittenzeller, M. F. Gladfelter, S. E. Tenison, H. Zinnert, A. P. Belfiore, and A. E. Wilson. 2025. Copper sulfate treatment harms zooplankton and ultimately promotes algal blooms: A field mesocosm experiment. Harmful Algae 142:102800. - Link to Publication
  3. Gladfelter, M. F., A. V. Hennessey, M. B. McDonald, S. S. Ganegoda, D. Wang, and A. E. Wilson. 2024. Are heavy metals a concern in catfish aquaculture? Alabama Fish Farming Center 1:10-12. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  4. Baylous, H. R., M. F. Gladfelter, M. I. Gardner, M. Foley, A. E. Wilson, and M. M. Steffen. 2024. Indole-3-acetic acid promotes growth in bloom-forming Microcystis via an antioxidant response. Harmful Algae 133:102575 - Link to Publication
  5. Zinnert, H. M., M. F. Gladfelter, S. E. Tenison, H. P. Poe, K. L. Merrill, A. V. Hennessey, M. B. McDonald, D. Wang, H. A. Torbert, and A. E. Wilson. 2024. Impacts of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum on water quality and the algal community in catfish aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture 581:740406. - Link to Publication
  6. Zinnert, H. M., M. F. Gladfelter, H. P. Poe, K. L. Merrill, A. V. Hennessey, M. B. McDonald, D. Wang, H. A. Torbert, and A. E. Wilson. 2023. Positive and negative impacts of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum on water quality. Journal of Environmental Management 348:119307. - Link to Publication
  7. Hamid, A., A. E. Wilson, M. F. Gladfelter, T. J. Knappenberger, and D. Wang. 2023. Long-term missing role of colloids and nanoparticles on the loading and speciation of phosphorus in catfish aquaculture ponds in west Alabama. Chemosphere 340:139906. - Link to Publication
  8. Buley, R. P., M. F. Gladfelter, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, and A. E. Wilson. 2023. Complex effects of dissolved organic matter, temperature, and initial bloom density on the efficacy of hydrogen peroxide to control cyanobacteria. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30:43991-44005. - Link to Publication
  9. Buley, R. P., M. F. Gladfelter, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, and A. E. Wilson. 2022. Can correlational analyses help determine the drivers of microcystin occurrence in freshwater ecosystems? A meta-analysis of microcystin and associated water quality parameters. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194:493. - Link to Publication
  10. Gladfelter, M. F., R. P. Buley, A. P. Belfiore, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, B. L. Gerovac, N. D. Baker, and A. E. Wilson. 2022. Dissolved nitrogen form mediates phycocyanin content in cyanobacteria. Freshwater Biology 67(6): 954-964. - Link to Publication
  11. Belfiore, A., R. P. Buley, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, M. Gladfelter, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Zooplankton as an alternative method for controlling phytoplankton in catfish pond aquaculture. Aquaculture Reports 21:100897. - Link to Publication
  12. Buley, R. P., A. Kelly, L. Roy, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, M. Gladfelter, A. Belfiore, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Controlling Microcystis blooms in Alabama catfish aquaculture. Alabama Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet ANR-2757.  5pp. - Link to Publication
  13. Fernandez-Figueroa, E. G., R. P. Buley, M. U.G. Barros, M. F. Gladfelter, W. D. McClimans, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Carlson’s trophic state index is a poor predictor of cyanobacterial dominance in drinking water reservoirs. AWWA Water Science 3(2):e1219. - Link to Publication
  14. Buley, R. P., C. Adams, A. P. Belfiore, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, M. F. Gladfelter, B. Garner, D. L. Straus, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Field evaluation of seven products to control cyanobacterial blooms in aquaculture. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28:29971-29983. - Link to Publication
  15. Barros, M. U.G., J. I.R. Leitão, T. R.B.T. Aranha, S. Simsek, R. P. Buley, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, M. F. Gladfelter, A. E. Wilson, and J. Capelo-Neto. 2020. Icyano: A cyanobacterial bloom vulnerability index for drinking water treatment plants. Water Supply 20(8):3517-3530.  - Link to Publication
  16. Buley, R. P., Z. Yang, M. F. Gladfelter, and A. E. Wilson. 2019. Controlling blue-green algal blooms in aquaculture ponds using hydrogen peroxide. Fish Farming News 2019(1):3-5. - Dowload Publication (PDF)

Full CV

Honors and Awards

2023    AU AFS subunit Outstanding Student Award ($800)

2022    Best Oral Presentation by a Student, Honorable Mention – 11th US Symposium on Harmful Algae

2022    AU USAS & AFS subunits Travel Award ($250)

2022    NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Travel Award ($650)

2021    Featured Graduate Researcher – Auburn University Graduate School

2021    AU USAS-subunit Travel Award ($135)

2021    Auburn University Presidential Graduate Research Fellowship ($45,000)

2020    Swingle Memorial Award for academic excellence, scholarship, and leadership ($2,000)

2020    Best Presentation in Session – Auburn University College of Agriculture Virtual Poster Showcase ($250)

2019    NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Travel Award ($700)

2018    Best Undergraduate Research Poster – Hudson-Delaware Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry ($300)

2017    Featured Undergraduate Researcher – Rowan University College of Science and Mathematics

Presentations and Posters (# indicates presenter, * indicates mentored student)

2023    Bela, I.G.#*, Gladfelter, M.F., and Wilson, A.E. Prevalence of trace metal limitation on algal growth across a range of productivities. Auburn University School of Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences Student Research Symposium, AL. (Presentation)

2023    Bela, I.G.#*, Gladfelter, M.F., and Wilson, A.E. Prevalence of trace metal limitation on algal growth across a range of productivities. Auburn University Student Research Symposium, Auburn, AL. (Poster)

2022    Gladfelter, M.F.#, Steffen, M.M., Baylous, H.R., and Wilson, A.E. . Transcriptional response of Microcystis and co-occurring bacteria to supplementation and starvation of three nitrogen forms 11th US Symposium on Harmful Algae, Albany, NY. (Presentation; Best Oral Presentation, Honorable Mention)

2022    Gladfelter, M.F.#, Buley, R.P., Fernandez-Figueroa, E.G., Belfiore, A.P., and Wilson, A.E. The diazotroph, Raphidiopsis, dominates after reduced and oxidizes nitrogen additions. Arkansas Water Resources and Watersheds Conference, Fayetteville, AR. (Poster)

2022    Gladfelter, M.F.#, Buley, R.P., Belfiore, A.P., Fernandez-Figueroa, E.G., Gerovac, B.L., Baker, N.D., and Wilson, A.E. Available dissolved nitrogen form mediates pigment content in cyanobacteria. Arkansas Water Resources and Watersheds Conference, Fayetteville, AR. (Presentation)

2021    Gladfelter, M.F.#, Buley, R.P., Belfiore, A.P., Fernandez-Figueroa, E.G., Gerovac, B.L., Baker, N.D., and Wilson, A.E. Available dissolved nitrogen form mediates pigment content in cyanobacteria. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting. (Presentation; Virtual Conference)

2021    Gladfelter, M.F.#, Buley, R.P., Belfiore, A.P., Fernandez-Figueroa, E.G., Gerovac, B.L., Baker, N.D., and Wils, Buley, R.P., Belfiore, A.P., Fernandez-Figueroa, E.G., and Wilson, A.E. Nitrogen form dictates uptake and use in cyanobacterial communities. Auburn University College of Agriculture Virtual Poster Showcase. (Poster; Virtual Conference; Best in Session).

2020    Gladfelter, M.F.#, and Wilson, A.E. Dissolved nitrogen-form dictates uptake and metabolic efficiency in phytoplankton. Auburn University School of Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Aquatic Sciences Student Research Symposium. (Presentation; Virtual Conference).

2019    Gladfelter, M.F.#, Steffen, M.M., and Wilson, A.E. Changes in supportive bacteria assemblages in response to nutrient form and concentration in cyanobacterial communities. 10th US Symposium on Harmful Algae, Orange Beach, AL. (Presentation)

2018    Gladfelter, M.F.#, and Crumrine, P. Timing is everything: the impact of time since urbanization on aquatic turtle population structures. Hudson-Delaware Chapter of the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Glassboro, NJ (Poster; 1st Place undergraduate poster)

2018    Gladfelter, M.F.#, and Crumrine, P. Timing is everything: the impact of time since urbanization on aquatic turtle population structures. Rowan University STEM Symposium Glassboro, NJ. (Poster)

2017    Gladfelter, M.F.#, Hoeler, T., Lindert, K., and Crumrine, P. Effects of urbanization on aquatic turtles in Southern New Jersey. Rowan University STEM Symposium, Glassboro, NJ. (Poster)

2017    Gladfelter, M.F.#, Hoeler, T., Lindert, K., and Crumrine, P. Effects of urbanization on aquatic turtles in Southern New Jersey. East Coast Chapter of the Ecological Society of America meeting, Galloway, NJ. (Poster)

Students Mentored

JT Mumber                  Undergraduate research for credit project                              Fall 2022

Olivia Montoya           NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Project          Summer 2022

Isabel Bela                  NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Project          Summer 2022

Isabel Bela                  Independent undergraduate research project                          Spring 2022

Jessica Chan                Undergraduate senior research project                                    Fall 2021