Peoples, B. M., Harrison, K. D., Renfrow, G., Bethea, D., Santamaria Guzman, K. G., Wilson, A. E., Samaan, M. A., and Roper, J. A. 2024. Osteoarthritis and neurological disorder diagnoses in adults: a meta-analysis examining associations with Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Cureus 16(10):e71458.
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Siddique, A., M. T. Black, B. W. Alvarado, L. Garner, T.-S. Huang, A. Gupta, A. E. Wilson, J. T. Sawyer, and A. Morey. 2024. Effect of age, deboning time of carcass, and different cooking conditions on the woody breast myopathies in chicken: a meta-analysis. Foods 13(16):2632.
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Adlou, B., A. E. Wilson, C. Wilburn, and W. Weimar. 2024. Early sport specialization impact on rates of injury in collegiate and professional sport participation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 19(4):1833-1843.
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Wang, Q., B. Higgins, A. Fallahi, and A. E. Wilson. 2024. Engineered algal systems for the treatment of anaerobic digestate: a meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Management 356:120669.
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Driessen, E. P., A. E. Wilson, S. Odom, I. Hall, P. Brewer, S. B. Ramsay, S. Wood, and C. J. Ballen. 2024. Group work and student performance in biology: A meta-analysis. BioScience 74(3):207-217.
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Gross, I. P. , A. E. Wilson, and M. E. Wolak. 2024. The fitness consequences of wildlife conservation translocations: a meta-analysis. Biological Reviews 99(2):348-371.
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Anantapantula, S. S. and A. E. Wilson. 2023. Most treatments to control freshwater algal blooms are not effective: meta-analysis of field experiments. Water Research 243(5):120342.
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Murphy, K. M., S. M. Le, A. E. Wilson, and D. A. Warner. 2023. The microbiome as a maternal effect: a systematic review on vertical transmission of microbiota. Integrative & Comparative Biology 63(3):597-609.
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Wang, J., A. E. Wilson, B. Su, and R. A. Dunham. 2023. Functionality of dietary antimicrobial peptides in aquatic animal health: Multiple meta-analyses. Animal Nutrition 12:200-214. (Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Highly Cited Paper)
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Anacleto, T. M., B. Kozlowsky-Suzuki, A. E. Wilson, and A. Enrich-Prast. 2022. Comprehensive meta-analysis of pathways to increase biogas production in the textile industry. Energies 15:5574.
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Martinez, D. A., B. W. Newcomer, T. Passler, and M. F. Chamorro. In press. Efficacy of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) vaccines to reduce morbidity and mortality in calves within experimental infection models: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Veterinary Science
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Buley, R. P., M. F. Gladfelter, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, and A. E. Wilson. 2022. Can correlational analyses help determine the drivers of microcystin occurrence in freshwater ecosystems? A meta-analysis of microcystin and associated water quality parameters. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194:493.
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DadeMatthews, O., F. K. Neal, P. J. Agostinelli, S. O. Oladipupo, R. M. Hirschhorn, A. E. Wilson, and J. M. Sefton. 2022. Systematic review and meta-analyses on the effects of whole-body vibration on bone health. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 65:102811.
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Oladipupo, S. O., A. E. Wilson, X. P. Hu, and A. G. Appel. 2022. Why do insects close their spiracles? A meta-analytic evaluation of the adaptive hypothesis of discontinuous gas exchange in insects. Insects 13(2):117.
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Wang, Y., A. E. Wilson, and N. Liu. 2022. A new method to address the importance of detoxified enzyme in insecticide resistance – meta-analysis. Frontiers in Physiology 13:818531.
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Cabral, D. A. R., A. E. Wilson, and M. W. Miller. 2022. The effect of implicit learning on motor performance under psychological pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 11(3): 245–26.
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Odom, S., H. Boso, S. Bowling, S. Cotner, C. Creech, A. G. Drake, S. Eddy, S. Fagbodun, S. Hebert, A. James, J. Just, J. R. St. Juliana, M. Shuster, S. Thompson, R. Whittington, B. Wills, A. Wilson, K. R. Zamudio, M. Zhong, and C. J. Ballen. 2021. Meta-analysis of gender performance gaps in undergraduate natural science courses. CBE-Life Sciences Education 20(2):ar40.
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Bird, G., A. E. Wilson, G. R. Williams, and N. B. Hardy. 2021. Parasites and pesticides act antagonistically on honey bee health. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(5):997-1005.
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Guo, J., Y. Bao, R. Davis, A. Abebe, A. E. Wilson, and D. A. Davis. 2020. Application of meta-analysis toward understanding the effect of adding a methionine hydroxy analog in the diet on growth performance and feed utilization of fish and shrimp. Reviews in Aquaculture 12(4):2316-2332.
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Powers, M. J., A. E. Wilson, K. B. Heine, and G. E. Hill. 2020. The relative importance of various mating criteria in copepods. Journal of Plankton Research 42(1):19-30.
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Galkanda-Arachchige, H., A. E. Wilson, and D. A. Davis. 2020. Success of fishmeal replacement through poultry by-product meal in aquaculture feed formulations: a meta-analysis. Reviews in Aquaculture 12(3):1624-1636. (Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Highly Cited Paper)
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Ayipio, E., D. Wells, A. McQuilling, and A. E. Wilson. 2019. Comparisons between aquaponics and conventional hydroponic crop yield: a meta-analysis. Sustainability 11:6511.
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McKenzie, B. A., A. E. Wilson, and S. Zohdy. 2019. Aedes albopictus is a competent vector of Zika virus: a meta-analysis. PLoS ONE 14(5):e0216794.
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David, K. T., A. E. Wilson, and K. M. Halanych. 2019. Sequencing disparity in the genomic era. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36(8):1624-1627.
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Heine, K. B., A. Abebe, A. E. Wilson, and W. R. Hood. 2019. Copepod respiration increases by 7% per degree °C increase in temperature: a meta-analysis. Limnology and Oceanography Letters (4)3:53-61.
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Chalkowski, K., A. E. Wilson, C. A. Lepczyk, and S. Zohdy. 2019. Who let the cats out? a global meta-analysis on risk of parasitic infection in indoor versus outdoor domestic cats (Felis catus). Biology Letters 15:20180840. (see the complete Altmetric list; New York Times article; Newsweek article; MSN article)
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Bird, G., C. Kaczvinsky, A. E. Wilson, and N. B. Hardy. 2019. When do herbivorous insects compete? A phylogenetic meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 22:875-883. (2019 College of Agriculture Outstanding Publication Award)
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Wadsworth, P., A. E. Wilson, and W. C. Walton. 2019. A meta-analysis of growth rate in diploid and triploid oysters. Aquaculture 499:9-16.
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Delaney, M., A. ArchMiller, D. P. Delaney, A. E. Wilson, and E. J. Sikora. 2018. Effectiveness of fungicide on soybean rust in the southeastern United States: a meta-analysis. Sustainability 10:1784.
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Weaver, R. J., E. S. A. Santos, A. M. Tucker, A. E. Wilson, and G. E. Hill. 2018. Carotenoid metabolism strengthens the link between feather coloration and quality. Nature Communications 9:73. (Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Highly Cited Paper)
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Kollock, R., K. Games, A. E. Wilson, and J. Sefton. 2016. Vehicle exposure and spinal musculature in military warfighters: a meta-analysis. Journal of Athletic Training 51(11):981-990.
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Kollock, R., C. Andrews, A. Johnston, T. Elliott, A. E. Wilson, K. Games, and J. Sefton. 2016. A meta-analysis to determine if lower extremity muscle strengthening should be included in military knee overuse injury prevention programs. Journal of Athletic Training 51(11):919-926.
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Koch, R. E., A. E. Wilson, and G. E. Hill. 2016. The importance of carotenoid dose in supplementation studies with songbirds. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89(1):61-71.
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ArchMiller, A. A., E. F. Bauer, R. E. Koch, B. K. Wijayawardena, A. Anil, J. J. Kottwitz, A. S. Munsterman, and A. E. Wilson. 2015. Formalizing the definition of meta-analysis in Molecular Ecology. Molecular Ecology 24:4042-4051.
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Games, K., J. Sefton, and A. E. Wilson. 2015. Effect of whole-body vibration on blood flow and muscle oxygenation: a meta-analysis. Journal of Athletic Training 50(5):542-549.
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Goessling, J. M., H. Kennedy, M. T. Mendonça, and A. E. Wilson. 2015. A meta-analysis of plasma corticosterone and heterophil:lymphocyte ratios - Is there conservation of physiological stress responses over time? Functional Ecology 29:1189-1196.
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Kollock, R., K. Games, A. E. Wilson, and J. Sefton. 2015. Effect of vehicle-ride exposure on cervical pathology - a meta-analysis. Industrial Health 53:197-205.
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Newcomer, B. J., P. H. Walz, M. D. Givens, and A. E. Wilson. 2015. Efficacy of bovine viral diarrhea virus vaccination to prevent reproductive disease: a meta-analysis. Theriogenology 83:360-365.
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Havird, J. C., R. P. Henry, and A. E. Wilson. 2013. Altered expression of Na+/K+-ATPase and other osmoregulatory genes in the gills of euryhaline animals in response to salinity transfer: a meta-analysis of 59 quantitative PCR studies over 10 years. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part D: 8(2):131-140.
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Kozlowsky-Suzuki, B., A. E. Wilson, and A. Ferrao-Filho. 2012. Biomagnification or biodilution of microcystins in aquatic foodwebs? Meta-analyses of laboratory and field studies. Harmful Algae 18:47-55
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Logan, S. W., L. E. Robinson, A. E. Wilson, and W. A. Lucas. 2012. Getting the fundamentals of movement: A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of motor skill interventions in young children as assessed by the test of gross motor development. Child: Care, Health & Development 38(3):305-315.
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Tillmanns, A. R., A. E. Wilson, F. R. Pick, and O. Sarnelle. 2008. Meta-analysis of cyanobacterial effects on zooplankton population growth rate: species-specific responses. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 171(4):285-295.
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Wilson, A. E., O. Sarnelle, and A. R. Tillmanns. 2006. Effects of cyanobacterial toxicity and morphology on the population growth of freshwater zooplankton: Meta-analyses of laboratory experiments. Limnology and Oceanography 51(4):1915-1924.
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