Past Projects
Elucidating the causes and controls of off-flavor episodes in aquaculture in China and the southeastern US
Funding: Ocean University China - Auburn University Joint Center for Aquaculture and Environmental Science - $74,575
October 2019 - September 2021
Li Li (co-PI, Ocean University)
Development of a bacterial-algal-zooplankton process for conversion of agricultural waste into aquaculture feed
Funding: USDA - NIFA AFRI Energy and Environment program - $434,658
May 2020 - April 2024
Brendan Higgins (PI, Biosystems Engineering) and Rishi Prasad (co-PI, Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences)
- Wilson, A. E. and Z. A. Osorio. 2016. DEB Numbers: Are aquatic ecologists underrepresented? DEBrief (NSF's Division of Environmental Biology blog) 11 July 2016. - Link to Publication
- Wilson, A. E. and Z. A. Osorio. 2016. DEB Numbers: Are aquatic ecologists underrepresented? DEBrief (NSF’s Division of Environmental Biology blog) 11 July 2016. - Link to Publication