September 28, 2020

Mario has done it again!  He has recently published a new index focused on cyanobacteria in drinking water reservoirs.  Barros, M. U.G., J. I.R. Leitão, T. R.B.T. Aranha, S. Simsek, R. P. Buley, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, M. F. Gladfelter, A. E. Wilson, and J. Capelo-Neto. 2020. Icyano: A cyanobacterial bloom vulnerability index for drinking water treatment plants. Water Supply 20(8):3517-3530. 

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September 20, 2020

Despite COVID-19’s efforts to get in the way, I had the opportunity to share some of our research focused on hypereutrophic aquaculture ponds with students and faculty at Columbus State University via a virtual seminar.