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January 3, 2024
2024 is already starting off well. Emily’s meta-analysis project was just published in BioScience. This was only due to Emily’s persistence and hard work. The first set of reviews required another literature search that highlighted hundreds of studies to consider for this study. Great job, Emily.
December 13, 2023
The lab organized another successful holiday cookie swap that included several labs. I was out sampling green ponds but saw a bald eagle relaxing in a tree (sorry the resolution isn’t great…). Fortunately, the students saved me some sweets when I got back to the lab.

June 16, 2023
Alan had a wonderful time at ASLO in Spain. Beautiful place and excellent food. Plus I was able to see graduated (Edna!) and incoming (Gabriela!) students. The HABs session was excellent. Lots of great talks. I presented Saranya’s meta-analysis in front of a huge screen.

November 9, 2022
I just learned about our 53rd publication from the Meta-analysis class. Nice job, Andrea!
Paez, A. M., M. Sundaram, and J. R. Willoughby. 2021. Comparison of minimally invasive monitoring methods and live trapping in mammals. Genes 12(12):1949. (Website)
November 7, 2022
Sarah Zohdy’s meta-analysis class group project has been published. Congrats to Jordan for leading a bunch of awesome students to get this paper out! This is our class’ 52nd paper. Wow! As a special bonus, I just heard Sarah on NPR discussing her CDC research about mosquitos.
Eckert, J., S. Oladipupo, Y. Wang, S. Jiang, V. Patel, B. McKenzie, N. Lobo, and S. Zohdy. In press. Which trap is best? Alternatives to outdoor human landing catches for malaria vector surveillance: a meta-analysis. Malaria Journal
September 26, 2022
Jinhai’s class project has been published in Animal Nutrition! Congratulations, Jinhai. This is the 51st publication from my Meta-analysis class. Also, this is our fastest class project (May 2022) to publication (September 2022). Incredible!
Wang, J., A. E. Wilson, B. Su, and R. A. Dunham. In press. Functionality of dietary antimicrobial peptides in aquatic animal health: Multiple meta-analyses. Animal Nutrition

January 28, 2022
Great news! Brandon recently got accepted into UAB’s Dental School! We are super proud of you.

September 24, 2021
We say goodbye to two wonderful labmates, Saranya and Callie. We wish them well and hope to see them again soon.
September 24, 2021
Stephanie, Yin, Edna, and I have a new remote sensing project to forecast algal blooms. Very excited to start on this project!