May 8, 2024 Kevin Wang (PI) and I just learned that the USDA Institute for Bioenergy, Climate and Environment program is supporting our new three year project titled, Elucidating Nutrient Loads and Bioavailability to Cyanobacteria in Catfish Ponds for Sustainable Aquaculture. We are super excited to continue our research in west Alabama with our wonderful aquaculture farmer collaborators.
May 6, 2024 Bahman has published his meta-analysis in record time given that he completed my meta-analysis course May 2023. Awesome! This is the 61st publication from my class! Whoa!! Adlou, B., A. E. Wilson, C. Wilburn, and W. Weimar. In press. Early sport specialization impact on rates of injury in collegiate and professional sport participation: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching