
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia;
Advisor: Dr. Mark E. Hay 2006
Ph.D., Applied Biology;
Minor in Chemical Ecology
Dissertation: Cyanobacteria-grazer interactions: Consequences of toxicity, morphology, and genetic diversity

Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan;
Advisor: Dr. Orlando “Ace” Sarnelle 2001
M.S., Fisheries and Wildlife;
Specialization in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Behavior
Thesis: Complex interactions between zebra mussels and their planktonic prey

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 1997
B.A., Biology
Graduated with Distinction

Young Harris College
Young Harris, Georgia
1995 – A.S., Biology
Graduated with Highest Honors 

Alan Wilson

Assistant Director for Instruction, Professor, & Graduate Program Officer

Google Scholar

  1. Le, V. V. and A. E. Wilson. In press. A handheld fluorometer evaluates freshwater cyanobacterial blooms across a broad productivity gradient. Lake and Reservoir Management
  2. Hennessey, A. V. M. B. McDonald, P. P. Johnson, M. F. Gladfelter, K. L. Merrill, S. E. Tenison, S. S. Ganegoda, T. C. Hoang, H. A. Torbert, B. H. Beck, and A. E. Wilson. 2025. Evaluating the tolerance of harmful algal bloom communities to copper. Environmental Pollution 368:125691. - Link to Publication
  3. Anantapantula, S., S. Wittenzeller, M. F. Gladfelter, S. E. Tenison, H. Zinnert, A. P. Belfiore, and A. E. Wilson. 2025. Copper sulfate treatment harms zooplankton and ultimately promotes algal blooms: A field mesocosm experiment. Harmful Algae 142:102800. - Link to Publication
  4. Wilson, A. E., H. Zinnert, S. S. Ganegoda, P. P. Johnson, D. Wang, H. A. Torbert, and B. H. Beck. 2024. Gypsum increases soluble reactive phosphorus and blue-green algae in catfish production ponds. Alabama Fish Farming Center 2:12-13. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  5. Peoples, B. M., Harrison, K. D., Renfrow, G., Bethea, D., Santamaria Guzman, K. G., Wilson, A. E., Samaan, M. A., and Roper, J. A. 2024. Osteoarthritis and neurological disorder diagnoses in adults: a meta-analysis examining associations with Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Cureus 16(10):e71458. - Link to Publication
  6. Fernandez-Figueroa, E. G., S. R. Rogers, M. N. Water, and A. E. Wilson. 2024. The green convergence: United States lakes are collectively moving toward a eutrophic state. Harmful Algae 139:102721. - Link to Publication
  7. Siddique, A., M. T. Black, B. W. Alvarado, L. Garner, T.-S. Huang, A. Gupta, A. E. Wilson, J. T. Sawyer, and A. Morey. 2024. Effect of age, deboning time of carcass, and different cooking conditions on the woody breast myopathies in chicken: a meta-analysis. Foods 13(16):2632. - Link to Publication
  8. Bagherian, K, E. G. Fernández-Figueroa, S. R. Rogers, A. E. Wilson, and Y. Bao. 2024. Predicting chlorophyll-a concentration and harmful algal blooms in Lake Okeechobee using time-series MODIS satellite imagery and long short-term memory. Journal of the ASABE 67(5):1191-1202. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  9. Higgins, B. T., M. Thomas, P. Goodling, and A. E. Wilson. 2024. Development of a new primer tool for quantification and identification of geosmin-producing cyanobacteria in drinking water reservoirs. Limnologica 107:126183. - Link to Publication
  10. Wang, D., A. K. Hamid, I. M. Radwan, A. E. Wilson, H. A. Torbert, and B. H. Beck. 2024. Understanding how phosphorus could be removed in aquaculture ponds by gypsum. Alabama Fish Farming Center 1:12-13. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  11. Gladfelter, M. F., A. V. Hennessey, M. B. McDonald, S. S. Ganegoda, D. Wang, and A. E. Wilson. 2024. Are heavy metals a concern in catfish aquaculture? Alabama Fish Farming Center 1:10-12. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  12. Wang, Q., B. Higgins, A. Fallahi, and A. E. Wilson. 2024. Engineered algal systems for the treatment of anaerobic digestate: a meta-analysis. Journal of Environmental Management 356:120669. - Link to Publication
  13. Rider, Z., A. Percich, Y. Hiripitiyage, T. D. Harris, B. S.M. Sturm, A. E. Wilson, E. D. Pollock, J. R. Beaver, and A. Husic. 2024. Drivers of cyanotoxin and taste-and-odor compound presence within the benthic algae of human-disturbed rivers. Water Research 253:121357. - Link to Publication
  14. Driessen, E. P., A. E. Wilson, S. Odom, I. Hall, P. Brewer, S. B. Ramsay, S. Wood, and C. J. Ballen. 2024. Group work and student performance in biology: A meta-analysis. BioScience 74(3):207-217. - Link to Publication
  15. Baylous, H. R., M. F. Gladfelter, M. I. Gardner, M. Foley, A. E. Wilson, and M. M. Steffen. 2024. Indole-3-acetic acid promotes growth in bloom-forming Microcystis via an antioxidant response. Harmful Algae 133:102575 - Link to Publication
  16. Zinnert, H. M., M. F. Gladfelter, S. E. Tenison, H. P. Poe, K. L. Merrill, A. V. Hennessey, M. B. McDonald, D. Wang, H. A. Torbert, and A. E. Wilson. 2024. Impacts of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum on water quality and the algal community in catfish aquaculture ponds. Aquaculture 581:740406. - Link to Publication
  17. Zinnert, H. M., M. F. Gladfelter, H. P. Poe, K. L. Merrill, A. V. Hennessey, M. B. McDonald, D. Wang, H. A. Torbert, and A. E. Wilson. 2023. Positive and negative impacts of flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum on water quality. Journal of Environmental Management 348:119307. - Link to Publication
  18. Gross, I. P. , A. E. Wilson, and M. E. Wolak. 2024. The fitness consequences of wildlife conservation translocations: a meta-analysis. Biological Reviews 99(2):348-371. - Link to Publication
  19. Hamid, A., A. E. Wilson, M. F. Gladfelter, T. J. Knappenberger, and D. Wang. 2023. Long-term missing role of colloids and nanoparticles on the loading and speciation of phosphorus in catfish aquaculture ponds in west Alabama. Chemosphere 340:139906. - Link to Publication
  20. Anantapantula, S. S. and A. E. Wilson. 2023. Most treatments to control freshwater algal blooms are not effective: meta-analysis of field experiments. Water Research 243(5):120342. - Link to Publication
  21. Murphy, K. M., S. M. Le, A. E. Wilson, and D. A. Warner. 2023. The microbiome as a maternal effect: a systematic review on vertical transmission of microbiota. Integrative & Comparative Biology 63(3):597-609. - Link to Publication
  22. Li, S., F. Wei, X. Dong, M. Pan, L. Li, X. Tian, Q. Gao, and A. E. Wilson. 2023. Shift of phytoplankton and microbial communities cause seasonal dynamics of odor compounds in Oncorhynchus mykiss cultured in a freshwater reservoir. Aquaculture 570:739422. - Link to Publication
  23. Hamid, A., A. E. Wilson, H. A. Torbert, and D. Wang. 2023. Sorptive removal of phosphorus by flue gas desulfurization gypsum in batch and column systems. Chemosphere 320:138062. - Link to Publication
  24. Buley, R. P., M. F. Gladfelter, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, and A. E. Wilson. 2023. Complex effects of dissolved organic matter, temperature, and initial bloom density on the efficacy of hydrogen peroxide to control cyanobacteria. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30:43991-44005. - Link to Publication
  25. Wang, J., A. E. Wilson, B. Su, and R. A. Dunham. 2023. Functionality of dietary antimicrobial peptides in aquatic animal health: Multiple meta-analyses. Animal Nutrition 12:200-214. (Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Highly Cited Paper) - Link to Publication
  26. Anacleto, T. M., B. Kozlowsky-Suzuki, A. E. Wilson, and A. Enrich-Prast. 2022. Comprehensive meta-analysis of pathways to increase biogas production in the textile industry. Energies 15:5574. - Link to Publication
  27. Havird, J., P. M. Brannock, R. M. Yoshioka, R. C. Vaught, K. Carlson, C. Edwards, A. Tracy, C. W. Twining, Y. Zheng, D. Chai, A. E. Wilson, N. G. Hairston, Jr., S. R. Santos. 2022. Grazing by an endemic atyid shrimp controls microbial communities in the Hawaiian anchialine ecosystem. Limnology and Oceanography 67:2012-2027. - Link to Publication
  28. Martinez, D. A., B. W. Newcomer, T. Passler, and M. F. Chamorro. In press. Efficacy of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) vaccines to reduce morbidity and mortality in calves within experimental infection models: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Veterinary Science - Link to Publication
  29. Buley, R. P., M. F. Gladfelter, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, and A. E. Wilson. 2022. Can correlational analyses help determine the drivers of microcystin occurrence in freshwater ecosystems? A meta-analysis of microcystin and associated water quality parameters. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 194:493. - Link to Publication
  30. Gladfelter, M. F., R. P. Buley, A. P. Belfiore, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, B. L. Gerovac, N. D. Baker, and A. E. Wilson. 2022. Dissolved nitrogen form mediates phycocyanin content in cyanobacteria. Freshwater Biology 67(6): 954-964. - Link to Publication
  31. DadeMatthews, O., F. K. Neal, P. J. Agostinelli, S. O. Oladipupo, R. M. Hirschhorn, A. E. Wilson, and J. M. Sefton. 2022. Systematic review and meta-analyses on the effects of whole-body vibration on bone health.  Complementary Therapies in Medicine 65:102811. - Link to Publication
  32. Oladipupo, S. O., A. E. Wilson, X. P. Hu, and A. G. Appel. 2022. Why do insects close their spiracles? A meta-analytic evaluation of the adaptive hypothesis of discontinuous gas exchange in insects.  Insects 13(2):117. - Link to Publication
  33. Wang, Y., A. E. Wilson, and N. Liu.  2022.  A new method to address the importance of detoxified enzyme in insecticide resistance – meta-analysis.  Frontiers in Physiology 13:818531. - Link to Publication
  34. Fernandez-Figueroa, E. G., and A. E. Wilson. 2022. Local adaptation mediates direct and indirect effects of multiple stressors on consumer fitness. Oecologia 198(2):483-492. - Link to Publication
  35. Fernandez-Figueroa, E. G., A. E. Wilson, and S. R. Rogers.  2022. Commercially available unoccupied aerial systems for monitoring harmful algal blooms: a comparative study. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 20:146-158. (Top Cited Paper; Top Downloaded Article during first year post publication) - Link to Publication
  36. Cabral, D. A. R., A. E. Wilson, and M. W. Miller. 2022. The effect of implicit learning on motor performance under psychological pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology 11(3): 245–26. - Link to Publication
  37. Belfiore, A., R. P. Buley, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, M. Gladfelter, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Zooplankton as an alternative method for controlling phytoplankton in catfish pond aquaculture. Aquaculture Reports 21:100897. - Link to Publication
  38. Green, W. R., A. B. Hoos, A. E. Wilson, and E. N. Heal. 2021. Development of a screening tool to examine lake and reservoir susceptibility to eutrophication in selected watersheds of the eastern and southeastern United States. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2021–5075, 59 pages  - Link to Publication
  39. Buley, R. P., H. E. Correia, A. Abebe, T. B. Issa, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Predicting microcystin occurrence in freshwater lakes and reservoirs: assessing environmental variables. Inland Waters 11(3):430-444.  - Link to Publication
  40. Odom, S., H. Boso, S. Bowling, S. Cotner, C. Creech, A. G. Drake, S. Eddy, S. Fagbodun, S. Hebert, A. James, J. Just, J. R. St. Juliana, M. Shuster, S. Thompson, R. Whittington, B. Wills, A. Wilson, K. R. Zamudio, M. Zhong, and C. J. Ballen. 2021. Meta-analysis of gender performance gaps in undergraduate natural science courses. CBE-Life Sciences Education 20(2):ar40. - Link to Publication
  41. Buley, R. P., A. Kelly, L. Roy, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, M. Gladfelter, A. Belfiore, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Controlling Microcystis blooms in Alabama catfish aquaculture. Alabama Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet ANR-2757.  5pp. - Link to Publication
  42. Clark, A., B. Howell, A. E. Wilson, and T. Schwartz. 2021. Draft genomes for one Microcystis-resistant and one Microcystis-sensitive strain of the water flea, Daphnia pulicariaG3 11(11):jkab266 - Link to Publication
  43. Hyman, M., Q. Wang, A. E. Wilson, S. Adhikari, and B. T. Higgins. 2021. Production of Daphnia zooplankton on wastewater-grown algae for sustainable conversion of waste nutrients to fish feed. Journal of Cleaner Production 310:127501. - Link to Publication
  44. Fernandez-Figueroa, E. G., A. P. Belfiore, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Drones for monitoring “blue-greens” in catfish aquaculture ponds. Fish Farming News 2021(1):16-17. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  45. Chislock, M. F., B. K. Olsen, J.J. Choi, A. Abebe, T. L. Bleier, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Contrasting patterns of 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) vs. geosmin across depth in a drinking water reservoir are mediated by cyanobacteria and actinobacteria. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28:32005-32014. - Link to Publication
  46. Fernandez-Figueroa, E. G., R. P. Buley, M. U.G. Barros, M. F. Gladfelter, W. D. McClimans, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Carlson’s trophic state index is a poor predictor of cyanobacterial dominance in drinking water reservoirs. AWWA Water Science 3(2):e1219. - Link to Publication
  47. Valle-Pombrol, A., A. Comas-Gonzalez, D. Castro-Rodriguez, A. Garcia-Moya, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Planktonic cyanobacteria from the Abreus Reservoir, Cienfuegos, Cuba. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences 16(1):20-29. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  48. Bird, G., A. E. Wilson, G. R. Williams, and N. B. Hardy. 2021. Parasites and pesticides act antagonistically on honey bee health. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(5):997-1005. - Link to Publication
  49. Buley, R. P., C. Adams, A. P. Belfiore, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, M. F. Gladfelter, B. Garner, D. L. Straus, and A. E. Wilson. 2021. Field evaluation of seven products to control cyanobacterial blooms in aquaculture. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28:29971-29983. - Link to Publication
  50. Barros, M. U.G., J. I.R. Leitão, T. R.B.T. Aranha, S. Simsek, R. P. Buley, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, M. F. Gladfelter, A. E. Wilson, and J. Capelo-Neto. 2020. Icyano: A cyanobacterial bloom vulnerability index for drinking water treatment plants. Water Supply 20(8):3517-3530.  - Link to Publication
  51. McCain, S., R. R. Sim, E. W. Howerth, S. Aschenbroich, S. G.M. Kirejczyk, B. McHale, C. Jerry, J. J. Kottwitz, A. E. Wilson, and R. McManamon. 2020. Myonecrosis and death due to presumed microcystin toxicosis in American white pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhyncos). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51(2):407-415. - Link to Publication
  52. Clemente, A., A. E. Wilson, S. Oliveira, I. Menezes, A. Gois, and J. Capelo-Neto. 2020. The role of hydraulic conditions of coagulation and flocculation on the damage of cyanobacteria. Science of the Total Environment 740:139737. - Link to Publication
  53. Guo, J., Y. Bao, R. Davis, A. Abebe, A. E. Wilson, and D. A. Davis. 2020. Application of meta-analysis toward understanding the effect of adding a methionine hydroxy analog in the diet on growth performance and feed utilization of fish and shrimp. Reviews in Aquaculture 12(4):2316-2332. - Link to Publication
  54. Belfiore, A. and A. E. Wilson. 2020. Improving catfish pond water quality by reducing planktivorous fish abundance. Fish Farming News 2020(1):8-10.  - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  55. Powers, M. J., A. E. Wilson, K. B. Heine, and G. E. Hill. 2020. The relative importance of various mating criteria in copepods. Journal of Plankton Research 42(1):19-30.  - Link to Publication
  56. Thurlow, C. M., M. A. Williams, A. Carrias, C. Ran, M. Newman, J. Tweedie, E. Allison, L. N. Jescovitch, A. E. Wilson, J. S. Terhune, and M. R. Liles. 2019. Bacillus velezensis AP193 exerts probiotic effects in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and reduces aquaculture pond eutrophication. Aquaculture 503:347-356. - Link to Publication
  57. Galkanda-Arachchige, H., A. E. Wilson, and D. A. Davis. 2020. Success of fishmeal replacement through poultry by-product meal in aquaculture feed formulations: a meta-analysis. Reviews in Aquaculture 12(3):1624-1636.  (Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Highly Cited Paper) - Link to Publication
  58. Ayipio, E., D. Wells, A. McQuilling, and A. E. Wilson. 2019. Comparisons between aquaponics and conventional hydroponic crop yield: a meta-analysis. Sustainability 11:6511.  - Link to Publication
  59. Cook, K. V., C. Li, H. Cai, L. Krumholz, K. D. Hambright, H. W. Paerl, M. Steffen, A. E. Wilson, M. Burford, H.-P. Grossart, D. Hamilton, H.-L. Jiang, A. Sukenik, D. Latour, E. Meyer, J. Padisak, B. Qin, R. Zamor, and G. Zhu. 2020. The global Microcystis interactome. Limnology and Oceanography 65:S194-S207.  - Link to Publication
  60. Garner, B., C. Adams, R. Buley, and A. E. Wilson. 2019. Aquaculture 2019: Auburn students' perspective. World Aquaculture 50(2):19  - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  61. McKenzie, B. A., A. E. Wilson, and S. Zohdy. 2019. Aedes albopictus is a competent vector of Zika virus: a meta-analysis. PLoS ONE 14(5):e0216794. - Link to Publication
  62. David, K. T., A. E. Wilson, and K. M. Halanych. 2019. Sequencing disparity in the genomic era. Molecular Biology and Evolution 36(8):1624-1627.  - Link to Publication
  63. Barros, M. U. G., A. E. Wilson, J. I. R. Leitão, S. P. Pereira, R. P. Buley, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, and J. Capelo-Neto. 2019. Environmental factors associated with toxic cyanobacterial blooms across 20 drinking water reservoirs in a semi-arid region of Brazil. Harmful Algae 86:128-137. - Link to Publication
  64. Chislock, M. F., O. Sarnelle, L. M. Jernigan, V. R. Anderson, A. Abebe, and A. E. Wilson. 2019. Consumer adaptation mediates top-down regulation across a productivity gradient. Oecologia 190:195-205. - Link to Publication
  65. Buley, R. P., Z. Yang, M. F. Gladfelter, and A. E. Wilson. 2019. Controlling blue-green algal blooms in aquaculture ponds using hydrogen peroxide. Fish Farming News 2019(1):3-5. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  66. Heine, K. B., A. Abebe, A. E. Wilson, and W. R. Hood. 2019. Copepod respiration increases by 7% per degree °C increase in temperature: a meta-analysis. Limnology and Oceanography Letters (4)3:53-61. - Link to Publication
  67. Chalkowski, K., A. E. Wilson, C. A. Lepczyk, and S. Zohdy. 2019. Who let the cats out? a global meta-analysis on risk of parasitic infection in indoor versus outdoor domestic cats (Felis catus). Biology Letters 15:20180840. (see the complete Altmetric listNew York Times articleNewsweek articleMSN article) - Link to Publication
  68. Bird, G., C. Kaczvinsky, A. E. Wilson, and N. B. Hardy. 2019. When do herbivorous insects compete? A phylogenetic meta-analysis. Ecology Letters 22:875-883.  (2019 College of Agriculture Outstanding Publication Award) - Link to Publication
  69. Chislock, M. F., R. B. Kaul, K. A. Durham, O. Sarnelle, and A. E. Wilson. 2019. Eutrophication mediates rapid clonal evolution in Daphnia pulicariaFreshwater Biology 64:1275-1283. - Link to Publication
  70. Wadsworth, P., A. E. Wilson, and W. C. Walton. 2019. A meta-analysis of growth rate in diploid and triploid oysters. Aquaculture 499:9-16. - Link to Publication
  71. Wilson, A. E., J. L. Pollock, I. Billick, C. Domingo, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, E. Nagy, T. D. Steury, and A. Summers. 2018. Assessing science training programs: Structured undergraduate research programs make a difference. BioScience 68(7):529-534. (Editor's Choice) (2018 College of Agriculture High Impact Paper of the Year Award) - Link to Publication
  72. Delaney, M., A. ArchMiller, D. P. Delaney, A. E. Wilson, and E. J. Sikora. 2018. Effectiveness of fungicide on soybean rust in the southeastern United States: a meta-analysis. Sustainability 10:1784. - Link to Publication
  73. Baker, B. C., A. E. Wilson, and J. T. Scott. 2018. Phytoplankton N2 fixation efficiency and its effect on harmful algal blooms. Freshwater Science 37(2):264-275. - Link to Publication
  74. Yang, Z., R. P. Buley, E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa, M. U.G. Barros, S. Rajendran, and A. E. Wilson. 2018. Hydrogen peroxide treatment promotes chlorophytes over toxic cyanobacteria in a hyper-eutrophic aquaculture pond. Environmental Pollution 240:590-598.  - Link to Publication
  75. Minasyan, A., C. Christophoridis, A. E. Wilson, S.-K. Zervou, T. Kaloudis, and A. Hiskia. 2018. Diversity of cyanobacteria and the presence of cyanotoxins in the epilimnion of Lake Yerevan (Armenia). Toxicon 150:28-38. - Link to Publication
  76. Wilson, A. E. and E. G. Fernandez-Figueroa. 2018. Preparing water resource managers to identify and measure toxic cyanobacteria. Streamlines Spring 2018:18. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  77. Wilson, A. E., E. G. Fernandez, R. Buley, and L. A. Roy. 2018. Is sustainable control of toxic algae a reality for catfish aquaculture? Fish Farming News 2018(1):7-8.  - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  78. Wilson, A. E., M. F. Chislock, Z. Yang, M. U.G. Barros, and J. F. Roberts. 2018. Pond bank access as an approach for managing toxic cyanobacteria in beef cattle pasture drinking water ponds. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190:247. - Link to Publication
  79. Jameel, Y., S. Stein, E. Grimm, C. Roswell, A. E. Wilson, C. Troy, T. Höök, and G. Bowen. 2018. Physicochemical characteristics of a southern Lake Michigan river plume. Journal of Great Lakes Research 44:209-218. - Link to Publication
  80. Weaver, R. J., E. S. A. Santos, A. M. Tucker, A. E. Wilson, and G. E. Hill. 2018. Carotenoid metabolism strengthens the link between feather coloration and quality. Nature Communications 9:73. (Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Highly Cited Paper) - Link to Publication
  81. Lyu, K., L. Zhang, L. Gu, X. Zhu, A. E. Wilson, and Z. Yang. 2017. Cladoceran offspring tolerance to toxic Microcystis is promoted by maternal warming. Environmental Pollution 227:451-459. - Link to Publication
  82. Olsen, B. K., M. F. Chislock, A. Rebelein, and A. E. Wilson. 2017. Nutrient enrichment and vertical mixing mediate 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin concentrations in a drinking water reservoir. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 17(2):500-507. - Link to Publication
  83. Kollock, R., K. Games, A. E. Wilson, and J. Sefton. 2016. Vehicle exposure and spinal musculature in military warfighters: a meta-analysis. Journal of Athletic Training 51(11):981-990. - Link to Publication
  84. Wilson, A. E. and Z. A. Osorio. 2016. DEB Numbers: Are aquatic ecologists underrepresented? DEBrief (NSF’s Division of Environmental Biology blog) 11 July 2016. - Link to Publication
  85. Olsen, B. K., M. F. Chislock, and A. E. Wilson. 2016. Eutrophication mediates a common off-flavor compound, 2-methylisoborneol, in a drinking water reservoir. Water Research 92:228-234.  - Link to Publication
  86. Ger, K. A., P. Urrutia-Cordero, P. C. Frost, L.-A. Hansson, O. Sarnelle, A. E. Wilson, and M. Lurling. 2016. The interaction between cyanobacteria and zooplankton in a more eutrophic world. Harmful Algae 54:128-144.  (Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Highly Cited Paper) - Link to Publication
  87. Lyu, K., H. Guan, C. Wu, X. Wang, A. E. Wilson, and Z. Yang. 2016. Maternal consumption of non-toxic Microcystis by Daphnia magna induces tolerance to toxic Microcystis in offspring. Freshwater Biology 61:219-228  - Link to Publication
  88. Kollock, R., C. Andrews, A. Johnston, T. Elliott, A. E. Wilson, K. Games, and J. Sefton. 2016. A meta-analysis to determine if lower extremity muscle strengthening should be included in military knee overuse injury prevention programs. Journal of Athletic Training 51(11):919-926. - Link to Publication
  89. Koch, R. E., A. E. Wilson, and G. E. Hill. 2016. The importance of carotenoid dose in supplementation studies with songbirds. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89(1):61-71. - Link to Publication
  90. ArchMiller, A. A., E. F. Bauer, R. E. Koch, B. K. Wijayawardena, A. Anil, J. J. Kottwitz, A. S. Munsterman, and A. E. Wilson. 2015. Formalizing the definition of meta-analysis in Molecular EcologyMolecular Ecology 24:4042-4051.  - Dowload Publication (PDF) - Link to Publication
  91. Games, K., J. Sefton, and A. E. Wilson. 2015. Effect of whole-body vibration on blood flow and muscle oxygenation: a meta-analysis. Journal of Athletic Training 50(5):542-549.  - Link to Publication
  92. Goessling, J. M., H. Kennedy, M. T. Mendonça, and A. E. Wilson. 2015. A meta-analysis of plasma corticosterone and heterophil:lymphocyte ratios - Is there conservation of physiological stress responses over time? Functional Ecology 29:1189-1196. - Link to Publication
  93. Kollock, R., K. Games, A. E. Wilson, and J. Sefton. 2015. Effect of vehicle-ride exposure on cervical pathology - a meta-analysis. Industrial Health 53:197-205. - Link to Publication
  94. Kasinak, J.-M. E., C. J. Bishop, R. A. Wright, and A. E. Wilson. 2015. Grass carp do not consume the nuisance benthic cyanobacterium, Lyngbya wolleiJournal of Aquatic Plant Management 53:74-80. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  95. Bullard, A., D. DeVries, A. Wilson, H. Kinnucan, P. Clement, G. Lockaby, and C. Newland. 2015. Science or snake oil: Scholarship and peer review in the digital age. Book chapter in Auburn Speaks: On Cyber and the Digital Domain. Published by Auburn University. pp. 201-211. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  96. Lyu, K., L. Zhang, X. Zhu, G. Cui, A. E. Wilson, and Z. Yang. 2015. Arginine kinase in the cladoceran Daphnia magna: cDNA sequencing and expression is associated with resistance to toxic MicrocystisAquatic Toxicology 160:13-21.  - Link to Publication
  97. Kasinak, J.-M. E., B. M. Holt, M. F. Chislock, and A. E. Wilson. 2015. Benchtop fluorometry of phycocyanin as a rapid approach for estimating cyanobacterial biovolume. Journal of Plankton Research 37(1):248-257. - Link to Publication
  98. Newcomer, B. J., P. H. Walz, M. D. Givens, and A. E. Wilson. 2015. Efficacy of bovine viral diarrhea virus vaccination to prevent reproductive disease: a meta-analysis. Theriogenology 83:360-365.  - Link to Publication
  99. Doster, E., M. F. Chislock, J. F. Roberts, J. J. Kottwitz, and A. E. Wilson. 2014. Recognition of an important water quality issue at zoos: prevalence and potential threat of toxic cyanobacteria. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 45(1):165-168. - Link to Publication
  100. Chislock, M. F., K. L. Sharp, and A. E. Wilson. 2014. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii dominates under very low and high nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratios. Water Research 49:207-214. - Link to Publication
  101. Chislock, M. F., O. Sarnelle, B. K. Olsen, E. Doster, and A. E. Wilson. 2013. Large effects of consumer offense on ecosystem structure and function. Ecology 94(11):2375-2380.  - Dowload Publication (PDF) - Link to Publication
  102. Vanderploeg, H. A., A. E. Wilson, T. H. Johengen, J. Dyble, O. Sarnelle, J. R. Leibig, S. D. Robinson, and G. P. Horst. 2013. The role of selective grazing by dreissenid mussels in promoting toxic Microcystis blooms and other changes in phytoplankton composition in the Great Lakes.  Invited book chapter in Quagga and Zebra Mussels: Biology, Impacts, and Control, Second Edition.  Editors: T. Nalepa and D. Schloesser.  CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. pp. 509-524. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  103. Olsen, B. K., C. Smith, M. Chislock, J. Kasinak, and E. Doster. 2013. Letter to the Editor: Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) 2013 Annual Meeting: Students' perspectives. ASLO Bulletin 22(3):83-84.  - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  104. Wilson, A. E., M. F. Chislock, E. Doster, R. A. Wright, J. J. Kottwitz, H. Walz, and H. Rose. 2013. Toxic algae threaten livestock health. The Alabama Cattleman June 2013:16-17. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  105. Wilson, A. E. and M. F. Chislock. 2013. Ecological control of cyanobacterial blooms in freshwater ecosystems.  Invited book chapter in Cyanobacteria: Toxicity, ecology, and management. Editor: A. Ferrão-Filho. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York. pp. 213-221.  - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  106. Chislock, M. F., E. Doster, R. A. Zitomer, and A. E. Wilson. 2013. Eutrophication: Causes, consequences, and controls in aquatic ecosystems. Nature Education Knowledge 4(4):10. - Link to Publication
  107. Havird, J. C., R. P. Henry, and A. E. Wilson. 2013. Altered expression of Na+/K+-ATPase and other osmoregulatory genes in the gills of euryhaline animals in response to salinity transfer: a meta-analysis of 59 quantitative PCR studies over 10 years. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part D: 8(2):131-140. - Link to Publication
  108. Chislock, M. F., O. Sarnelle, L. M. Jernigan, and A. E. Wilson. 2013. Do high concentrations of microcystin prevent Daphnia control of phytoplankton? Water Research 47(6):1961-1970. - Link to Publication
  109. Goto, D., K. Lindelof, D. L. Fanslow, S. A. Ludsin, J. J. Roberts, H. A. Vanderploeg, A. E. Wilson, and T. O. Höök. 2012. Ecological consequences of hypolimnetic hypoxia on survival and growth potential of Daphnia mendotae in the central basin of Lake Erie. Aquatic Biology 16:217-227. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  110. Fowler, S., W. Deutsch, A. E. Wilson, and E. Reutebuch. 2012. Tallapoosa River basin numerical nutrient criteria for wadeable streams. Final Report for the Alabama Department of Environmental Management, Agreement ADEM-C00594051. - Dowload Publication (PDF)
  111. Kozlowsky-Suzuki, B., A. E. Wilson, and A. Ferrao-Filho. 2012. Biomagnification or biodilution of microcystins in aquatic foodwebs? Meta-analyses of laboratory and field studies. Harmful Algae 18:47-55 - Link to Publication
  112. Berry, J. P., E. Lee, K. Walton, A. E. Wilson, and F. Bernal-Brooks. 2011. Microcystin production by a persistent cyanobacterial bloom in Lago de Patzcuaro (Michiacan, Mexico) and apparent bioaccumulation of the toxin in small commercial catches of fish. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30(7):1621-1628. - Link to Publication
  113. White, J. D., R. B. Kaul, L. B. Knoll, A. E. Wilson, and O. Sarnelle. 2011. Large variation in vulnerability to grazing within a population of the colonial phytoplankter, Microcystis aeruginosaLimnology and Oceanography 56(5):1714-1724. - Link to Publication
  114. Logan, S. W., L. E. Robinson, A. E. Wilson, and W. A. Lucas. 2012. Getting the fundamentals of movement: A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of motor skill interventions in young children as assessed by the test of gross motor development. Child: Care, Health & Development 38(3):305-315. - Link to Publication
  115. Wilson, A. E., R. B. Kaul, and O. Sarnelle. 2010. Growth rate consequences of coloniality in a harmful phytoplankter. PLoS ONE 5(1):e8679. - Link to Publication
  116. Sarnelle, O. and A. E. Wilson. 2008. Type III functional response in DaphniaEcology 89(6):1723-1732. - Link to Publication
  117. Tillmanns, A. R., A. E. Wilson, F. R. Pick, and O. Sarnelle. 2008. Meta-analysis of cyanobacterial effects on zooplankton population growth rate: species-specific responses. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 171(4):285-295. - Link to Publication
  118. Knoll, L. B., O. Sarnelle, S. K. Hamilton, C. E. H. Kissman, A. E. Wilson, J. B. Rose, and M. R. Morgan. 2008. Invasive zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) increase cyanobacterial toxin concentrations in low-nutrient lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65(3):448-455. - Link to Publication
  119. Wilson, A. E., D. C. Gossiaux, T. O. Höök, J. P. Berry, P. F. Landrum, J. Dyble, and S. J. Guildford. 2008. Evaluation of the human health threat associated with the hepatotoxin, microcystin, in the muscle and liver tissues of yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65(7):1487-1497. - Link to Publication
  120. Wilson, A. E. 2007. Journal impact factors are inflated. BioScience 57(7):550-551. - Link to Publication
  121. Wilson, A. E. and M. E. Hay. 2007. A direct test of cyanobacterial chemical defense: Variable effects of microcystin-treated food on two Daphnia pulicaria clonesLimnology and Oceanography 52(4):1467-1479. - Link to Publication
  122. Wilson, A. E., W. A. Wilson, and M. E. Hay. 2006. Intraspecific variation in growth and morphology of the bloom-forming cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosaApplied and Environmental Microbiology 72(11):7386-7389. - Link to Publication
  123. Wilson, A. E., O. Sarnelle, and A. R. Tillmanns. 2006. Effects of cyanobacterial toxicity and morphology on the population growth of freshwater zooplankton: Meta-analyses of laboratory experiments. Limnology and Oceanography 51(4):1915-1924. - Link to Publication
  124. Sarnelle, O. and A. E. Wilson. 2005. Local adaptation of Daphnia pulicaria to toxic cyanobacteria. Limnology and Oceanography 50(5):1565-1570. - Link to Publication
  125. Wilson, A. E., O. Sarnelle, B. A. Neilan, T. P. Salmon, M. M. Gehringer, and M. E. Hay. 2005. Genetic variation of the bloom-forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa within and among lakes: Implications for harmful algal blooms. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71(10):6126-6133. - Link to Publication
  126. Sarnelle, O., A. E. Wilson, S. K. Hamilton, L. B. Knoll, and D. F. Raikow. 2005. Complex interactions between the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, and the harmful phytoplankter, Microcystis aeruginosaLimnology and Oceanography 50(3):896-904. - Link to Publication
  127. Hay, M. E., J. D. Parker, D. E. Burkepile, C. C. Caudill, A. E. Wilson, Z. P. Hallinan, and A. D. Chequer. 2004. Mutualisms and aquatic community structure: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 35:175-197.  - Link to Publication
  128. Raikow, D. F., O. Sarnelle, A. E. Wilson, and S. K. Hamilton. 2004. Dominance of the noxious cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa in low-nutrient lakes is associated with exotic zebra mussels. Limnology and Oceanography 49(2):482-487. - Link to Publication
  129. Wilson, A. E. 2003. Effects of zebra mussels on phytoplankton and ciliates: A field mesocosm experiment. Journal of Plankton Research 25(8):905-915. - Link to Publication
  130. Wilson, A. E. and O. Sarnelle. 2002. Relationship between zebra mussel biomass and total phosphorus in European and North American lakes. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 153(2):339-351. - Link to Publication